Monday 7 September 2015

Be Sensible and Secure: Be a Secularist

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Recently, I stumbled upon this YouTube video, which was forwarded over Whats App:

My eyes welled up watching this video, not just because it brought a smile on my face; it downloaded many a fond childhood memories. The books, which I most ‘greedily’ handed over to my Hindu neighbor-friend, every year, during vidhyarambham, the authoritative advises I gave friends that they don’t need to study on Good Friday either, the yummy evenings during the Holy month of Ramadan, the most awaited Eid holidays (I grew up in UAE), lighting those prohibited sparklers during Diwali, the pleasure and pride with which I took friends to church during Christmas - a childhood filled with so much of joy, peace and strong bonds of friendship.

I am secular because I grew up secular and am grateful for my secular self. Despite the various environmental changes, I have preserved this self only because it is extremely dear to me. Secularism, I understand now, is a religion in itself. The more you practice it, the more secular you are.

It takes a few clear-headed minds that can make a difference, for generations to come. As a parent, I am aware of the constant conflict of rights and wrongs that takes place up in the mind. But, the next time you stop your child from something as simple as eating something offered to a God alien to you, it would pay to stop and think about why you are doing so. If the only answer you get is to protect your child’s soul from perishing in the fires of hell, think again. Being happy breeds not just a tolerant crowd – it breeds a friendly lot. For years to come, it gifts them more reasons to smile and fewer hassles to deal with in this world, which will have enough and more stress to offer. One less is a lot that we can gift for generations to come.

Teach, by word and practice, about the love of your God.
Why focus on the wrath?

Traditions are and should be intended to bring people together, in every sense of togetherness.
It should not be to create a divide or show-off one's faith - whatever that means.

Thinking and brooding about this will bear no fruit. However, the moment you start practicing it, believe you me, you will not just help build a healthier and happier breed; you will feel the magic of peace within you.

Cheers to a happy planet!


Unknown said...

Loved this blog of yours pal...

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